Category Archives: Israel

Danielle Berrin Interviews Israeli Singer Idan Raichel

Sara* emails: Danielle Berrin MC Idan Raichel in Los Angeles last night: Organized at the valley JCC by MATI (Israeli organization) $60. a couple (2 tickets) including a CD. The price of a single ticket: $40, for not sitting in … Continue reading

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What Is Love?

Love first hit me in third grade. Debbie Hick was a girl in my class. She had red hair and freckles and was solidly built. She was smart and tough and funny. I loved her. I never told her that. … Continue reading

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Why Do The Irish Hate Israel?

Kevin Myers writes: What is it about Israel that prompts such a widespread departure from common sense, reason and moral reality? As another insane flotilla prepares to butt across the Mediterranean bringing “aid” to the “beleaguered” people of Gaza, in … Continue reading

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When El Al Flew From Tehran To Israel

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager spoke to Dan Saadon, VP of El Al Airlines, about how safe, meaningful and fun it is to travel in Israel. Dennis said that he flew from Tehran to Tel Aviv in the … Continue reading

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The Beauty Of The Land Of Israel Reminds Me Of This Black Chick

Watch the whole show. Torah Talks Fan Page

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