Category Archives: Race

ESPN 30 For 30: Ghosts Of Ole Miss

Steve Sailer notes that sports writers tend to be the most politically correct writers around because they are faced constantly with obvious racial differences but to keep their jobs, they have to ignore that. I enjoy the the ESPN documentary … Continue reading

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Did The Nazis Believe Jews Were Inferior?

I find it a chore to listen to Dennis Prager these days. Not because Dennis has changed, but I have changed. On his radio show today, Dennis Prager struggled to define “racism”: “You believe that race has intrinsic qualities, usually … Continue reading

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Ferguson’s Unanswered Questions

Heather Mac Donald writes: But the most ubiquitous “Ferguson is racist” meme was the most familiar: the police force is too white. Four of Ferguson’s 53 officers are black. This imbalance must be the result of racism and must itself … Continue reading

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Who Hates Whom

Chaim Amalek writes: What we all need, what would be most interesting, is say, a multi-volume book presenting a complete taxonomy of the human race, tribe by tribe, including a chart of “who hates whom”. You know, you would be … Continue reading

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New Book Says Israeli Teens Are Racist And Proud

There’s no such moral category as racism (or it would have been mentioned as a sin in Torah but no great rabbi has ever written a book against racism because it does not exist, it is goyisha nonsense, “racism” is … Continue reading

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