Category Archives: Christianity

The New Testament Is Feelings Oriented While The Hebrew Bible Is Action Oriented

There’s plenty about action in the New Testament and plenty about feeling in the Hebrew Bible but the stereotype in my headline is generally true. When the Hebrew Bible talks about loving God, it refers primarily to action, not feelings … Continue reading

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Review: ‘God is not One’

It’s easy to say that all religions are one. It’s easy to say that we all believe in the same God. It’s easy to say that we all want to be in Heaven. It’s also false, argues Boston University religion … Continue reading

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Judaism Is The Most Physical Of The Monotheist Religions

In his seventh lecture on the book of Genesis in 1992, Dennis Prager says: “Israel is where it’s at. This is what God intended for the Jews — to build a holy society. You can only build a holy society … Continue reading

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Tavis Smiley: More Christians Than Muslims Blow Up People Every Single Day

See the video. Tavis Smiley: “But Christians do that [blow people up] every single day in this country.” I did a Google news search on this and there’s not one result. I wonder why the news media ignore such foolishness. … Continue reading

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Righteousness By Faith – A Road To Nowhere

I remember growing up that Seventh-Day Adventism was regarded as a demanding religion. It wanted one-tenth of your money (tithe) and one-seventh of your time (the Sabbath). Then this righteousness by faith movement swept through Adventism in the 1970s and … Continue reading

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