Category Archives: Christianity

Heavy Petting

Do Jews talk about heavy petting? That was an obsession in my Christian childhood, how very wrong it was. Then I left the church at 18 and I never heard anything more about heavy petting. Are children these days sufficiently … Continue reading

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Jews Tend To Feel Good About Themselves

Give a Jew a compliment and he’ll say, “Tell me more.” Give a genuine Christian a compliment and he’ll say, “Oh no, no, no, I’m a big sinner.” Here’s a true story from the classroom. A non-Jewish student tells the … Continue reading

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What Is Jewish Guilt?

I grew up a Christian and I notice a ton more guilt in my Christian friends than in my Jewish friends. For my Orthodox Jewish friends, most of them believe that God is pretty happy with them. I do not … Continue reading

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Jewish Contempt For Christians

Historian Marc B. Shapiro blogs: While at least since Jacob Katz’s Exclusiveness and Tolerance scholars are now no longer deterred from studying the medieval Jewish view of “the other”, there is still great reluctance to examine contemporary views, for fear … Continue reading

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A Guide For Jews To Roman Catholicism

A Jewish friend asked me for a book recommendation for learning about Roman Catholicism (not to convert herself but to understand some of those around her). I replied: I was raised a Seventh-Day Adventist and heard 10x as many bad … Continue reading

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