Category Archives: Blacks

Forward: “Is A String of Attacks Against Brooklyn Jews Really About Anti-Semitism?”

Comments at Steve Sailer: * First, when whites move into a black area, it is called gentrification and it is bad. Why is it bad? Well they say gentrification drives up home prices, which drives up rents and property taxes. … Continue reading

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Was Abraham Lincoln A Righteous Gentile?

R. Avigdor Miller is not so sure: According to Wikipedia: Miller was outspoken in his belief that the Holocaust was a divine response to Jewish cultural assimilation in Europe. He wrote: “Hitler was not only sent by Heaven, but was … Continue reading

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NYT Says One In Three Black Men In Kentucky Is A Felon

Kentucky is 1 of 3 states that strip political rights from felons for life. 1 in 4 black adults in the state — and 1 in 3 black men — can't vote. — The New York Times (@nytimes) November … Continue reading

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Why Do Blacks Support Immigration?

Black Americans….Another serious question…What the HELL are you voting for immigration for? Name one single solitary benefit Black Americans have received from immigrants coming here and getting elevated status over you?I can give a list of ways it has worked … Continue reading

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NYT: Is It Safe to Be Jewish in New York?

By Ginia Bellafante: But, in fact, anti-Semitism was already quietly on the rise. For several years now, expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment have made up the preponderance of hate crime complaints in the city. Contrary to what are surely the prevailing … Continue reading

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