Category Archives: Blacks

Are American Blacks Owed Reparations?

Steve Sailer writes: So it’s difficult to imagine much negative impact on American per capita wealth in 2015 in an alternate universe without the slave trade. You can tell that nobody takes very seriously the argument that African-Americans have been … Continue reading

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What Made Hurricane Katrina Different?

Walter Isaacson writes: Walker Percy had a theory about hurricanes. “Though science taught that good environments were better than bad environments, it appeared to him that the opposite was the case,” he wrote of Will Barrett, the semi-autobiographical title character … Continue reading

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Who’s better at kvetching? Blacks or Jews or women? The black orthodox Jewess of course!

I wonder who will be the lucky man to catch this prize? Is it egregious cultural appropriation when blacks play classical music composed by whites, perform in plays written by whites, play games invented by whites? Elisheva Ester Rishon writes: … Continue reading

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A Jew In Inglewood

Amy Dresner writes: My first night in Inglewood, I hugged a crackhead. Let me explain. I headed to 7-11 for a late-night snack snoop because I have no curfew now and can do whatever the fuck I want whenever I … Continue reading

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9% of San Bernardino County Public School Students Are Homeless

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Too many Mexicans and Blacks, they are the source of it. Import enough of them and they’ll degrade any community and drive out productive whites. Why do you think Hesperia and Victorville grew like crazy? … Continue reading

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