9% of San Bernardino County Public School Students Are Homeless

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Too many Mexicans and Blacks, they are the source of it. Import enough of them and they’ll degrade any community and drive out productive whites. Why do you think Hesperia and Victorville grew like crazy? I watched it happen. Because the illegals and black gang bangers drove the more productive whites out.

* The American taxpayers are paying for their children so the more the merrier. Meaanwhile white women are restricting the size of their families because they can’t afford more children. I wonder how long whites put up with this.

* Can anyone name a reasonably decent nation which is:

1. run by blacks;
2. has a majority black population;
3. run by hispanics (Spain excepted);
4. has a majority hispanic population( Spain excepted);

which is a first-world nation?

If not, why is anybody surprised?

* The problem here is that immigration leads to overpopulation, which puts affordable real estate out of the hands of many lower-paid workers. Even if every immigrant was hard-working and had “strong family values”, no one can deny that immigration makes housing less affordable.

Back before California was hit by the immigration deluge, places like San Bernadino were underpopulated and affordable. Heck, there was a time when LA was affordable.

You want to know what America would look like even if we admitted only high-IQ immigrants? Hong Kong. Unless you want to live like a sardine, immigration is not to your advantage.

* America would be a much better off country today if we’d cut off immigration in the late 1800s. By that point, there was no need for mass immigration.

Even Japan is a vastly overpopulated country. Despite being a first world country, real estate prices are insane and living space is limited. I’m pretty sure the Japanese would be happy if they had half their current density.

Japan’s declining population is not a curse, but a blessing. The Japanese have also very wisely invested in robotics technology, which will eventually automate much of the labor currently done by humans. When robotic devices do eventually supplant human workers, America will be left with a large class of unemployable workers. These workers will need to be supported by welfare transfer payments, which will further weaken the US economy.

* What do you have against low IQ Mexicans…

For one, they tend to park numerous vehicles in various stages of repair all over their yards…front yard, mind you, as well as all up and down the streets of the neighborhood so that no one else can find a parking space. For another, they play loud music, VERY loud music, all day on the weekends (yes, at least it’s not rap), and the whooping it up occurs EVERY weekend. Third, their kids are placed in special classes in your kids’ schools, which eats up a lot of resources, human and financial, as those classes have lower student-teacher ratios than those of your kids. Fourth, stats show the resources spent on those kids never really do pay off, not even a couple of generations down the road. Fifth, the occasional family that “qualifies to buy a house” (I use scare quotes, of course, because the phrase doesn’t mean what it once did) often paints it turquoise or chartreuse, not a good look for the neighborhood and property values, and yes, they even put burro statuary in the yards–so much for “assimilation.” No, not joking. Lastly, many of them produce gangsta offspring….take a look at the population of Hispanics in the extensive CA prison system.

* If it weren’t for illegal Mexicans and their corrupt employers, construction would still be a well-regarded, well-paying job for White guys so their wives can stay home and mother their own kids, no damn nannies needed.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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