Category Archives: Judaism

Simon Wiesenthal Center Policing Web, Gets Rid Content It Does Not Like Through Partnership With Google, Twitter, Facebook

Yahoo reports: SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Facebook, Google and Twitter are stepping up efforts to combat online propaganda and recruiting by Islamic militants, but the Internet companies are doing it quietly to avoid the perception that they are helping the … Continue reading

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Rabbi: How the Middle East Conflict Is Warping Judaism

I think dealing with your own country is excellent for Judaism. When Judaism did not have a state for nearly 1900 years, the religion turned inward and became obsessed with tiny rituals rather than the practicalities of running a nation-state. … Continue reading

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Who Cares About The World?

Growing up as a Seventh-Day Adventist on Seventh-Day Adventist college campuses in Australia and California, I often encountered the attitude, “Who cares about the world?” The more traditional the Adventist, the more likely he was to have this attitude. Traditional … Continue reading

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Judaism and Immigration Reform

Rabbi Jason Rosenberg has a recipe for destroying America: Judaism has something to say about Immigration Reform. And, it starts with Welcoming the Stranger, and Protecting the Weak. Immigration Reform has been a hot issue, these past few months. A … Continue reading

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Love The Stranger

The Torah makes many sweeping declarations, including, “Love the stranger.” But the Torah tradition does not end there. It includes specifics on how this is to be done. You are not supposed to go out and practice Biblical texts any … Continue reading

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