Category Archives: Adventist

Successful Racial Integration

The most examples of successful racial integration I know are in religious communities. Jews of different races get along fairly well, though they still divide along the lines of Ashkenazi, Persian, Sephardic and may have very little to do with … Continue reading

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What’s The Point Of Group Pride?

Many of my friends say they don’t get racial pride. Why be proud of an accident of birth? I get it. I too felt disgust for “white pride” and “black pride” and “brown pride” and “gay pride,” though I did … Continue reading

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I’m Fascinated By The JFK Assassination

For a long time, I was open to the conspiracy theories about the killing. As a teenager, I probably read half a dozen books in this vein. I attribute my early interest in conspiracy theories to my Seventh-Day Adventist upbringing, … Continue reading

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The Day I Learned How To Make The Pain Go Away

It was a Sabbath afternoon. God, how I hated the Sabbath. We were Seventh-Day Adventists at Avondale College in Cooranbong (comes from the Aboriginal word “Kour-an-bong”, meaning “rocky bottom creek”) and you weren’t allowed to do anything fun on the … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jewish Cheerleaders

Marc B. Shapiro writes: When I was in high school in the early 1980s, in the New Jersey-New York yeshiva league only the girls of Bruriah wore sweat pants during basketball games (and the boys were not allowed to attend … Continue reading

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