Category Archives: Adventist

Jews And Arabs Share Common Ancestors

Twice this week, people have told me that Jews and Arabs both came from Chaldea and therefore share a bloodline. I say big deal. What matters is values not blood nor pagan origins, but the consequence of what was produced. … Continue reading

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Remembering Girls In Angwin, CA

One of the ways I classify places is whether or not I ever made it there. I only ever made it in LA, Sacramento, Orlando, Vancouver, Las Vegas and Big Sur (beside a cliff overlooking the ocean underneath a loving … Continue reading

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Seventh-Gay Adventists

That’s a great title for a movie. I was raised a Seventh-Day Adventist. There were no out homosexuals in the religious communities I grew up in (Avondale College and Pacific Union College). We would’ve dragged them behind a pack of … Continue reading

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Why Doesn’t The Great Sin Of Pre-Marital Sex Get More Attention In Orthodox Life?

When I was growing up in Seventh-Day Adventist Christianity, the sin of fornication aka pre-marital sex received more attention than any other sin. It was the biggie. To do it, was to deny Christ and his love. I’ve never heard … Continue reading

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Lunch Returns Me To Childhood

I made a new friend over lunch today. He’s a lifelong Seventh-Day Adventist. Our lives have many parallels. Our fathers were SDA ministers who were ejected from church ministry for preaching heresy. I feel light-headed. I feel like I am … Continue reading

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