Category Archives: Nationalism

WP: The untold stories of Japanese war brides

Washington Post: “They are sisters and daughters of the enemies who attacked Pearl Harbor. They married the soldiers who occupied their defeated country and came to the United States. And then? They disappeared into America.” Women have fewer tribal and … Continue reading

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Divisions In White Nationalism

I just caught this podcast on Youtube. Host: “What causes these rifts? A lot of it is class. Boots vs suits. Then there are the wonks vs trolls. We’re doing right-wing journalism and winning the internet every day.” “There seems … Continue reading

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Nationalism and the Future of Western Freedom

Yoram Hazony writes: For centuries, the politics of Western nations have been characterized by a struggle between two antithetical visions of world order: an order of free and independent nations, each pursuing the political good in accordance with its own … Continue reading

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Dominance Strategies

Every living thing strives to perpetuate itself. Every living thing strives to create an environment most conducive to its thriving. I don’t think Jews try to dominate any more or less than any other group. Like all groups, Jews have … Continue reading

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Jews Accused of Tribalism

Steve Sailer writes: From Haaretz: Tribalism Fuels Orthodox Jews’ Support for Trump They risk becoming the Jewish version of the ‘Alt-Right,’ a community that champions its own ethnic interests even when the result is outright bigotry. Peter Beinart Aug 31, … Continue reading

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