Category Archives: Whites

Whites Dislike Obama

REPORT: White Protestants overwhelmingly disapprove of Obama. White Catholics are slightly above the national White average. White Atheist support for Obama is way above the White average. Those eternal outsiders, the Jews, are the most pro-Obama of all. Hindus and … Continue reading

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Super Bowl Thoughts: New England 28-24 Seattle

Last year, I rooted for the Seahawks because I could not stand seeing Peyton Manning’s smug face on any more commercials. Before this year’s game, I posted on FB: “Seattle is the better team. I don’t understand why they’re not … Continue reading

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What happened ‘when the world became white’

So white people saved these Ethiopians and transported them to a first world country, Israel, which then accepted them as Jews despite their complete absence of DNA. Israel took in about 100,000 Ethiopians with an average IQ of 70. It … Continue reading

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What’s The Difference Between Race Realism, White Nationalism & Dark Enlightenment?

Tom Wolfe, Steve Sailer and John Derbyshire are race realists. Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald and Greg Johnson are white nationalists. I don’t really know the Dark Enlightenment too well. Race realists are often Jew-friendly while white nationalists rarely are. According … Continue reading

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Things Are Moving Fast

I just watched the 20-minute preview of a full-length documentary on white genocide. It is now a private video. Note the playing of Israel’s national anthem, HaTikva, 53 seconds in. That’s the only explicit mention of Jews, but we all … Continue reading

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