Category Archives: Steve Sailer

Jews & Immigration Amnesty

The biggest Jewish organizations in America support immigration amnesty. Stephen Steinlight writes: “While politically-correct hyper-tolerant Jews — and this is TRUE of 99.9% of ALL members of the Presidents Conference– are almost invariably more interested in appearing politically correct than … Continue reading

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Neo-Confederates Have No Interest In Harming Jews

During the real confederacy, Jews were loyal citizens and played an important role in that society. Steve Sailer writes: One group of whites, however, has been immune from the blame game. Everybody knows there were no Jews in the South … Continue reading

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Anti-Semitism Documentary ‘Defamation’

I’m watching this great documentary “Defamation” by Yoav Shamir about the Anti-Defamation League and anti-Semitism. About 38 minutes in, you see Abraham Foxman, head of the ADL, lecturing the president of Ukraine to not compare the Ukrainian genocide to the … Continue reading

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Who Is Steve Sailer?

Steve wrote in 2002: “I’m Catholic; I’ve always assumed I’m biologically half-Jewish (I’m adopted); and I’m an Anglophile and an admirer of WASP culture. So, I wish everyone well.” Michael Medved notes: For most American Jews, the core of their … Continue reading

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‘I Tell Jared’

When I talk to people trying to arouse the goyim from their slumber, I often hear them say, “I tell Jared…” Jared is Jared Taylor, the leader of American Renaissance. He’s a Jew-friendly goy who wants whites to organize in … Continue reading

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