Category Archives: Jews

Elizabeth Gilbert’s Warped Understanding Of The Bible

Elizabeth Gilbert wrote the bestseller Eat, Pray, Love. In her new book Committed, she writes on page 55: …the Old Testament is such a family-centric, stranger abhorring, genealogical extravaganza… the driving narrative always concerns the progress and tribulations of the … Continue reading

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May Is Jewish History Month

I haven’t met a Jew yet who gave a damn about May being Jewish History month. When you are secure in your identity, you don’t need these government proclamations to shore up your sense of self. On the other hand, … Continue reading

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Voice Of The Powerless Blames The Jewish Lobby

Lila Shahani was profiled in the Los Angeles Times earlier this month: A woman who started a blog after a deadly typhoon is an unlikely voice of the powerless. Reporting from Seoul — Call her the accidental blogger, because Lila … Continue reading

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Righteousness By Faith – A Road To Nowhere

I remember growing up that Seventh-Day Adventism was regarded as a demanding religion. It wanted one-tenth of your money (tithe) and one-seventh of your time (the Sabbath). Then this righteousness by faith movement swept through Adventism in the 1970s and … Continue reading

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Why Aren’t Jews Debating Believers In Jesus?

Eric Zorn blogs: The obituary — Moishe Rosen dies at 78; founder of Jews for Jesus prompts me to ask readers about something that’s long mystified and impressed me: “Given that the divinity of Jesus is the core belief of … Continue reading

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