Category Archives: Jews

Americans Rediscovering Their Ethnic Identity

Growing up white in America, I saw that white people felt little automatic bond to their fellow whites. Instead, they connected over shared ideology. If your neighbor shared your religious or political views, he was your brother, but if he … Continue reading

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If The Mercedes Is Inadequate…

I overheard a Jewish father on the phone picking a verbal fight with his 16yo son, berating him for some imaginary shortcoming, then making up with him and finishing the conversation with, “If your Mercedes air conditioner is inadequate, we’ll … Continue reading

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Still A WASP

I was telling a Jewish friend about some freelance work I’m doing. When I mentioned how much I was making, he replied, “Tax free, of course.” I said: “I’m happy to pay my full and honest taxes. With deductions, it … Continue reading

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Jewish Honor Killings

Marc B. Shapiro writes: …we indeed have some examples in Jewish history of “honor killings”. For example, in 1311 a Jewish woman who married a Christian and became pregnant was killed by her brothers.[27] In 1557 an Italian Jew killed … Continue reading

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Is It OK To Defraud Outsiders?

Growing up in white Australia, the idea of lying to defraud outsiders was considered a terrible thing. Now that I know more about tribal life, I see that it is frequently regarded as OK. The New York Times writes about … Continue reading

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