Category Archives: Jews

Who Runs The Internet?

I found this list online of Jews running internet companies. I don’t care that the list comes from an anti-Jewish site, I am only interested in what is true. I don’t think Jews need to hide Jewish successes. Google, Facebook … Continue reading

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Goldwin Smith On The Jewish Question

Goldwin Smith was a 19th Century professor of English as such places as Cornell. In 1892, he published an essay on The Jewish Question: Jewish ascendancy and the anti-Semitic movement provoked by it form an important feature of the European … Continue reading

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World Domination

“We share the material world and its material ways with all other nations. We are dispersed among and interact with the nations. By serving G-d in these foreign countries and harnessing the physical towards a spiritual end, we bring about … Continue reading

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Unchosen: The Memoirs of a Philo-Semite by Julie Burchill

Her ex-husband writes: Unchosen is the journalist Julie Burchill’s account of how she — a bright and bratty working-class girl from Bristol — fell in love with the Jewish race. It’s an exhilarating and exasperating mix of the utterly brilliant … Continue reading

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ADL blasts Americans who want to restrict immigration from Ebola countries, but says nothing about Israel doing the same

Here is the ADL press release: As news broke of the first per­son inside the U.S. diag­nosed with the deadly Ebola virus, anti-immigrant groups seized the oppor­tu­nity to use this infor­ma­tion as a way to speak out against “mass immi­gra­tion.” … Continue reading

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