Category Archives: Jews

Jewish Activists Push Multiculturalism & Mass Immigration In Europe

Anetta Kahane says: “You have to really change the policy of immigration inside Europe. This is very important, you have to adopt the educational system and adapt all the self understanding of the states. They are not anymore only white … Continue reading

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A Jewish State Or A Democratic State?

I was struck watching interviews of Rabbi Meir Kahane about how often he talked about the conflict between a democratic Israel and a Jewish Israel. If Jews cease to be the majority in Israel, then if the country remains a … Continue reading

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The Messiah Will Purify Jewish Bloodlines

I spent part of my Sabbath afternoon reading the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Purifying the Jewish bloodline was a major pre-occupation of Ezra the Scribe and of Judaism in general. From Wikipedia: Ezra led a large body of exiles … Continue reading

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The Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Concern With The Victims Of Communism

I went to and put “Communism” in the search box and found 30 results. I then put in “Nazi” and got 1479 results. Only two of the results for “communism” contained the word in the headline. Those press releases … Continue reading

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What About The Earnings Disparity Between Jews & Gentiles?

How long will our government stay silent about the shocking disparity? ‪It’s larger than the male-female earnings gap. Haaretz: “According to that survey, 46 percent of American Jews had household incomes of more than $100,000, and 12 percent take in … Continue reading

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