Just clean innocent Jewish fun, what’s the big deal?

Failed Messiah posts March 5: In Borough Park, Brooklyn, New York, Purim customs die hard. In fact, one old (and very limited) Purim custom, hanging Haman and his sons in effigy, has been revived there. But in this version, Haman and his sons are dressed like local non-Jews – not like Persians 2,500 years ago – sending a very chilling (if perhaps unintended) message to non-Jewish neighbors.

This was taken today on 12th Avenue between 44th and 45th Street.



Chaim Amalek writes: Such is the political power of the tribally conscious Jews of Borough Park that apart from a few Jewish sources, this is never discussed by any of our politicians or reported in the local media. I found not a single reference to this under “Google News” “hanging” + “haman” for New York. Goyim! Does this not make you wonder what other stories have been suppressed? Stupid goyim. Watching tv, playing with your wee, buying porn, drinking beer, caring about the NBA all while your country is vanishing beneath your feet. Learn from the Jew, who in this truly are an example for you to emulate, a light unto the nations of the world, and live. Or don’t, and end up as axle grease for some invader’s wagons.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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