Category Archives: Jews

Just clean innocent Jewish fun, what’s the big deal?

Failed Messiah posts March 5: In Borough Park, Brooklyn, New York, Purim customs die hard. In fact, one old (and very limited) Purim custom, hanging Haman and his sons in effigy, has been revived there. But in this version, Haman … Continue reading

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Frat Shut Down For Racism

NEWS: A University of Oklahoma fraternity has been shut down after members were caught chanting the n-word and glorifying lynching in a sickening video – on the same day that President Obama spoke at the 50th anniversary of the Selma … Continue reading

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Rachel Beyda & The Rule

Joe* emails: Western civilization (also known and referred to hereinafter as “Civilization”), right around the time that Eisenhower did his walk through tour of Auschwitz adopted a rule (the “Eisenhower Rule”) – you could not in polite company say or … Continue reading

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A Jew’s Best Friend Is His Rebbe

Chaim Amalek writes: When Moshiach comes, every goy will strive to be friends with every Jew, and you will have more goy friends than you can shake a lulav at. Of course, Yidden will know that a goy can never … Continue reading

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Exodus: Gods & Kings

This Ridley Scott movie is OK. It touches on group conflict. Thirty six hundreds years ago, the Egyptians were faced with a rapidly growing minority in the land who could not be assimilated. Just think of America with many Mexican … Continue reading

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