Category Archives: Jews

Anti-Goyim Bigotry

The hate that dare not speak its name. Comments to Steve Sailer: * The press has a pattern of focusing on white crimes (UVA) while ignoring others, and of always taking the ani-white side in disputes (Duke Lacross, Ferguson.) This … Continue reading

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VDARE: Anti-Israel Protests On Campus: Is It Because Saudi Student Visas Increased TENFOLD Since 9/11?

Eugene Gant writes: Why have we permitted student visas from Saudi Arabia to increase 10-fold since 9/11, which has permitted the Saudis to establish an Islamic mini-state on the American campus, with all the virulent anti-Semitism and anti-American leftist activism … Continue reading

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Robert Stark Interviews My Torah Talks Cohost

Link: The Truth Will Live is a Blonde Jewish, Neoreactionary, Iconoclast, Youtuber from the Midwest. Topics include: The Torah Talk Show she co-host with Luke Ford that relates modern day issues to Jewish Religious Texts How she grew up in … Continue reading

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The intense power of tribal truth

He may have intentionally done all of this in order to preempt moderation. We tell ourselves he lost as if he really intended it to be one round, as if this man thought he would win in one round. Did … Continue reading

Posted in Adolf Hitler, Anti-Semitism, Europe, Jews | Comments Off on The intense power of tribal truth

Steve Sailer: Are Jews Part of the Sacralized Fringe or the Demonized Core?

Chaim Amalek writes: “This is a fast rising issue on the left. Maybe if we could identify their young leaders and send them all on an all expense paid trip to Israel, including a stay at a secular kibbutz, followed … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Immigration, Jews, Stanford, WASPs | Comments Off on Steve Sailer: Are Jews Part of the Sacralized Fringe or the Demonized Core?