Category Archives: Jews

With the Washington Post, has Jeff Bezos broken away from the clique?

Today I was shocked that the Washington Post linked to American Renaissance, the premiere journal of thought for white advocates. Since Jeff Bezos bought the paper, it has moved in a race-realist Steve Sailer direction. In April, the Washington Post … Continue reading

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Do The Strict Ethics Of Torah Make It Difficult For Jews To Compete?

“I know the Torah is pretty clear about certain practices. I know that the Talmud interprets the law in ways that may seem to contradict the letter, if not the spirit of the Torah. I know that business practices by … Continue reading

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Can A Small Group Dominate The World?

Steve Sailer writes: Academic historians dislike the concept that history is often made by groups of individuals plotting together in confidence, even though one obvious way to get big things done is to make plans with your friends and allies … Continue reading

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When Is Tisha B’Av For Goyim?

I’m pretty broken up by the destruction of the temples approximately 2600 and 2000 years ago, so don’t expect much posting from me today. It’s hard to post when your eyes are filled with tears, you’re wearing sackcloth and ashes, … Continue reading

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The Meaning Of Redemption

As Leo Strauss said: “The Jewish people and their fate are the liv­ing witness for the absence of redemption. This, one could say, is the meaning of the chosen people; the Jews are chosen to prove the absence of redemption. … Continue reading

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