Category Archives: Addiction

Forgive for Good: A Proven Prescription for Health and Happiness By Frederic Luskin

Here are some highlights from the book HerbK called the second most important book he’s ever read after the Big Book: * Picture the crowded screen in front of a harried air traffic controller. Picture the chaos in the room … Continue reading

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How To Bypass Your Self-Destructive Tendencies

When I watch the tele, I often think, I’d love to rubbish these wankers. When I have a good thing going in real life, I sometimes think, how can I screw this up? When I’m having a proper social engagement, … Continue reading

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A Life That Works

Happy people are all alike; every unhappy person is unhappy in his own way. Happy people enjoy ways of living that: * are conducive to serenity and tranquility, seeing people in their proper genre so they don’t disappoint you, accepting … Continue reading

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Private Luke Vs Public Luke

What are the biggest differences between public Luke and private Luke? Public Luke takes more care to not offend needlessly and to be judicious with his words and deeds. Private Luke usually hates drama, Public Luke often enjoys stirring. Private … Continue reading

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Loneliness & Eccentricity

I spent six years of my twenties largely bedridden. The loneliness that accompanied that lockdown led to some morose thinking and weird behavior. For example, I’d go about in my favorite red-hearts boxer shorts instead of putting on proper clothing. … Continue reading

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