Category Archives: Addiction

The Popular Image Of 12-Step Programs

In her 1997 book Twelve Step Programs: A Contemporary American Quest for Meaning and Spiritual Renewal, Ann Marie Minnick writes: “…the popular image of Twelve Step Programs as addiction-centered, victim-producing, and narcissism-generating”… That has not been my experience of such … Continue reading

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My Greatest Fears And Desires

My greatest fear is drowning. Not being able to breathe. My greatest desire is sexual oblivion. Losing myself completely in union with another person. Release. Drained. Sated. Free from my incessant longing. My greatest fear is heaviness. My greatest desire … Continue reading

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Who Do I Resent?

The Fourth Step of the 12-steps is to “make a complete and fearless moral inventory.” A key part of this step is to list everybody and everything you resent and then look at each item on your list and see … Continue reading

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Where Attention Goes, Energy Flows

Where passion leads, eloquence follows. I’m doing a lot of public speaking these days, not just in shul, but in 12-step meetings. When I stand, I pause before I deliver, making sure I’m coming from my highest purpose. Not my … Continue reading

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The Four Key Beliefs Of The Addict

Hi, I’m Luke and I’m an addict to the highs I get from sex and love. I identify with these four key beliefs of the addict as articulated by Patrick Carnes: * I am bad. * If people knew who … Continue reading

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