Category Archives: Addiction

Under-Earning Thinking

I just spotted some of my under-earning thinking. As I was reaching into my pocket for my keys, I found myself thinking, “Wouldn’t it be cool if they weren’t there so I would have to knock on the door and … Continue reading

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The Disease Of Underearning

Lecture 68 with Geoff from CA: When I came into Underearners Anonymous, all I knew was that I didn’t have any money and I didn’t feel comfortable asking for money. I learned that underearning is a disease that goes back … Continue reading

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Underearners Anonymous

I listened to some of its programs online and heard these gems: * If I fear down deep that I am a horrible person, then of course I will keep sabotaging myself. I won’t allow myself to be successful because … Continue reading

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The Erotic Haze

A good essay on cybersex addiction: What Sara didn’t understand was that no mortal human being could ever live up to the “erotic haze”—the dopamine-enhanced, highly aroused state that the sex addict enters into when he was acting out that … Continue reading

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How To Find The Right Rehab

Here is one of the questions on paperwork hospital routinely hand out to those seeking recovery from addiction: * Does the treatment program also address sexual orientation and physical disabilities as well as provide age, gender and culturally appropriate services?

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