Category Archives: Addiction

Another Sleepless Night

When my alarm went off at 5:35 am, I was in a dream where these dusky guys were making fun of me online and I ran into them in person and I tried desperately to connect with them and to … Continue reading

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Maybe God Has A Better Plan

I bought a PC (HP Envy 700) two years ago and upgraded to Windows 10 and it gave me such trouble — repeated blue screens of death even when I spent about $200 on a premiere tech repair facility nearby … Continue reading

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Breathing Freely & Clarity Of Purpose

Alexander teacher Carolyn Nicholls tells Robert Rickover: “The more flexible an area, the easier it is to misuse it. I’ve had a lot of pupils who’ve had a sullen ribcage, where the ribcage stays the same shape with the in-breath … Continue reading

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Rodger Jacobs, RIP

The coroner’s report shows that Rodger drank himself to death on July 5, 2016. He was 57. I never met Rodger Jacobs in person but he was in my life for a decade (from 1998 to 2005, he was in … Continue reading

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‘Fear Fades With Repetition’

In talk 50 of the Beginners Talks at Underearners Anonymous, the founder of the program, Andrew says: * Underearning is a disease of hiding. In terms of visibility, fear fades with prayer. Fear fades with action. Fear fades with repetition. … Continue reading

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