Category Archives: Homosexuality

The U.S. Military’s Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Policy

Dennis Prager tackled this topic in the second hour of his show. "There is no difference between a white human being and a black human being, but there is a difference between a homosexual or a heterosexual human being. "The … Continue reading

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Orthodox Rav Solves The Mystery Of Sexual Identity Formation

Rabbi Kanefsky writes in the Jewish Journal: "I cannot articulate for myself a convincing argument as to why the legal recognition of civil marriage should be withheld from citizens who, by dint of how they were born, are only able … Continue reading

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Gran Blogerino

I’m working on a script about a crusty veteran of internet flame wars who must confront his hung immigrant neighbors and confront his prejudices about gay sex. When the family’s teen son Tao tries to steal Luke’s van, the Moral … Continue reading

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Shmuel Herzfeld – A Gay-Friendly Orthodox Rabbi

James Kirchick writes: Unlike most Orthodox synagogues, some of those congregants at Ohev Sholom are gay and don’t feel pressured into keeping that fact a secret with their rabbi or fellow worshipers. This is of course in large part attributable … Continue reading

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The Feminist Sexual Ethics Project

Gail Labovitz writes for Brandeis University: There are several rabbinic passages which take up, or very likely take up, the subject of same-sex marital unions – always negatively. In each case, homosexual marriage (particularly male homosexual marriage) is rhetorically stigmatized … Continue reading

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