Category Archives: Homosexuality

Gay Lifestyle Embraces Prostitution

From a Huffington Post article on gay college students seeking sugar daddies: Unlike in the straight world, many say they find working as an escort on the gay scene to be an accepted, even applauded practice. While none of the … Continue reading

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Rabbs And I Are Torah Scholars, Not Gay Lovers

Watch the whole show.

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Time For Bert & Ernie To Marry?

From Fox News: AN online push is underway to pressure the producers of Sesame Street into having Bert and Ernie get married. More than 900 people have signed a petition about the pair of platonic puppets on as of … Continue reading

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Should California Kids Be Forced To Study Gay History?

I wish I was back in grade school so I too could study gay history. How long will our school books stay silent on the contributions of transsexuals? What kind of country are we living in where a woman can’t … Continue reading

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John Aravosis Vs. Dennis Prager On Biased Reporting Of NY’s Marriage Equality Win

Dennis Prager (radio host) & John Aravosis ( battle it out as to why the news reports on New York’s same-sex marriage vote were celebratory and didn’t show opposing sides.

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