Category Archives: Politics

The More Religious The Jew, The More Pro-McCain

Shmuel Rosner blogs: For those who like to entertain themselves with questions of religion and politics, this new Gallup analysis is a blast. Although the bottom line is quite obvious – the more religious the voter the more likely he … Continue reading

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Joe Klein Apparently Unscathed By His Divided Loyalties Charge

Mickey Kaus writes: Klein Lives: Have the rules changed? Last Tuesday, Time‘s Joe Klein wrote: The fact that a great many Jewish neoconservatives–people like Joe Lieberman and the crowd over at Commentary–plumped for this war, and now for an even … Continue reading

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Antonio Villaraigosa Vs Jerry Brown Vs Gavin Newsome For Democratic Nomination For CA Governor

Jerry Brown was at a fundraiser for Barack Obama in Los Angeles ten days ago. Brown said Antonio and Gavin would make for formidable challengers (as well as John Garamendi, the Lt. Governor). Brown looks really old these days. He … Continue reading

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Becoming More Liberal And More Observant

Michael Lewyn writes: In one of your Klinghoffer interviews, one of you (I can’t remember which) suggests that becoming more frum always leads to more political conservatism (or at least doesn’t make one more politically liberal).   This hasn’t been … Continue reading

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Why Do We Expect Presidential Candidates To Be Nice?

Anne Applebaum writes: But in order to become the candidate, both also had to make a series of utterly ruthless decisions, decisions that most nice guys would find unpalatable. I don’t care what a helpful father Michelle says he is, … Continue reading

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