Category Archives: Politics

Serious Relationships

I was watching season three of the TV show “24” and I was struck by how often Kim Bauer and her boyfriend kept saying they were in a “serious” relationship. Something goes off in my head when I hear people … Continue reading

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What Is Social Justice?

On Friday, Dennis Prager received a call on his radio show from a woman wanting to know his definition of “social justice”. Dennis: “Social justice is overwhelmingly used by the Left when they don’t want to use the word ‘justice’ … Continue reading

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Mr President

Did you notice how during the healthcare summit yesterday all the politicians called Barack Obama “Mr. President” but Barack called all the other politicians by their first names? On his radio show yesterday, Dennis Prager said he knows many politicians … Continue reading

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Divine Providence

Joe emails: Once could point to the past year in American politics as a better proof of the existence of God than the ontological proof. Upon inauguration, Obama was in a high earth orbit. The press was as smitten as … Continue reading

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Scott Brown Wins 52-47

That’s what Drudge says. That should stop Obamacare. This is a massive rejection of the Democrats. Joe emails: The brown election is divine providence. Just as Obama’s anti-Israel machinery was cranking up to force the Jewish state to stop settling … Continue reading

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