Category Archives: Adultery

Yisroel Pensack: The New York Times Reports On Senator’s Aid To An Aide

The New York Times is currently running this headline on its home page:  "Senator’s Aid After Affair Raises Ethics Flag".  The sentence on the home page under that headline says, "Experts say Senator John Ensign may have violated ethics laws … Continue reading

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Whitewashing History

Friar Yid writes on Hirhurim: How can we claim to have an intellectual tradition that values knowledge if we deliberately lie about its history to advance propaganda? Doesn’t this show a tremendous lack of faith in Judaism’s intellectual merits on … Continue reading

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What Is Eye-Patch Underwear?

Apparently it helped cause the moral breakdown of a conservative Republican state assemblyman. One source says: "It is underwear made from an eyepatch. It is typically worn with a parrot on the shoulder and a prosthetic leg." Comte says: "I’m … Continue reading

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Family Values CA Assemblyman Resigns

From OC Weekly: [Michael] Duvall, speaking to a relatively mum Republican colleague seated to his left, apparently had no idea his dais microphone became live beginning about a minute before the start of a cable-televised committee hearing. He was captured … Continue reading

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The John Edwards Sex Tape

From the New York Daily News: Young says that his belief in Edwards ran so deep that he agreed to take the fall for the candidate, inviting the pregnant Hunter to live with him, his wife, Cheri, and their three … Continue reading

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