Category Archives: Health

Massive Mold Cleanup At Museum Terrace Apartment Complex

A source emails: Hey- So they wont give me the mold results from April 15th. But the day after the test was done here All American Fire Safety were brought in for one month to suck whatever mold out of … Continue reading

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Jewish Medical Ethics Conference

From Hirhurim: Torah in Motion, The Orthodox Union and Yeshiva University, invite you to The International Conference on Jewish Medical Ethics August 20th to 23rd, 2009 At the foot of the Majestic Laurentian Peaks at the inspired mountain chateau Fairmont … Continue reading

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‘Lyn, You Gotta Help Me’

I stagger into physical therapist Lyn Paul Taylor‘s office this afternoon. Jo the Hot Filipina shows me to my room. Lyn (join me on his Facebook Fan group) comes in and I wail: "You gotta help me. I’m a wreck. … Continue reading

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Dramatic Mold Cleanup At Museum Terrace Apartment Complex In Miracle Mile

A source emails: There has been a company here, All America, for 3 weeks draining the water and mold from the building (as well as changing our sprinkler heads) which explains why they aren’t giving me the mold and air … Continue reading

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SinuCleanse – Anyone Do This?

I talked to a guy in yoga tonight who swore by this. He said he hasn’t had any colds since he started doing it. I get every cold that comes to Los Angeles. I’m gonna start flushing out my sinuses … Continue reading

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