Category Archives: Health

A Good Stretch For The Lower Back, Legs

You might try lying down with some support for your head and sending your legs up the wall. Like this: ____l Get your bottom as close to the wall as you can so you get a good stretch. I do … Continue reading

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America’s Infant Mortality Rates

Where do people fly when they want the best quality healthcare, asks Dennis Prager. Do they go to Canada or Belgium or France or Germany? Nope. They come to the United States for the best care. Besmirching America’s reputation is … Continue reading

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Why You Should Wear Your Sunglasses At Night

Watch the whole show. Torah Talks Fan Page

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Yisroel Pensack: Longtime Editor-Publisher of Northern California’s ‘j.’ Weekly to Retire

Marc S. Klein, longtime editor and publisher of San Francisco-based  j., the Jewish news weekly of Northern California, is planning to retire. “I’ll be leaving probably sometime in the fall. I’m exhausted…I asked to leave and the board made it possible,” Klein … Continue reading

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Eating Disorders Among Orthodox Jews

The New York Times reports: In the large and growing Orthodox Jewish communities around New York and elsewhere, rabbinic leaders are sounding an alarm about an unexpected problem: a wave of anorexia and other eating disorders among teenage girls. While … Continue reading

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