Category Archives: Health

Tonic Alchemy

I’m feeling good these days in large part thanks to the herbs I’m taking from I’m taking daily: * Tonic Alchemy * Tao in a Bottle * Ant Power * Deer Antler Drops * Bupleurum and Dragon Bone for … Continue reading

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I Sometimes Push Too Far

I’ve been getting into squats the last few weeks. I heard they were good for you. The other day while talking with a friend, I did a ton of squats. A little while later, my left knee started bothering me. … Continue reading

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Are You Engaged In Highly Active Marital Activity?

I just got some “Healer’s Tea.” Seems like the thing to drink after delivering a hearty session of Alexander Technique. According to here: A formula used to quickly replenish spent Jing. This great formula replenishes Yin essence and body fluids. … Continue reading

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My Sleeping Problems Solved!

Like my dad, I’ve had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep most of my adult life. The best solution was to physically exhaust myself with exercise during the day. Since I came down with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in February 1988, … Continue reading

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Tao in a Bottle

I met a medical empath over the holidays and spent a few hours with her last week. She recommended, among other things, that I visit Dragon Herbs on Robertson Bl. and pick up some A17 and E07. When I did … Continue reading

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