Category Archives: Football

I Prefer To Remember Matt Leinart In Happier Times

The Arizona Cardinals recently waived quarterback Matt Leinart. Yet, his life wasn’t always this disappointing. I wonder if there’s a moral lesson in all this debauchery?

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Dennis Prager: ‘You Can’t Be A Good Person And Oppose A Radio Broadcaster Buying Into A Sports Team’

On his radio show today, Dennis said about the prospect of Rush Limbaugh buying a part of the St. Louis Rams: "You can not be a good person, your moral character is shown by the opposition to a radio broadcaster … Continue reading

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Why Are Some Teams Always Finesse Teams?

The Dallas Cowboys, no matter the coach, have been a finesse football team for about 50 years now. By contrast, the Pittsburgh Steeler have always been a brutal force team. Why has this never changed? The teams have been successful. … Continue reading

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Should The Giants Tighten The Noose Around Plaxico’s Neck?

From the New York Daily News: An outraged Rev. Al Sharpton is calling for the New York Post to take immediate action to address a column in Monday’s editions that he called "blatant racism" and a "media lynching." Post columnist … Continue reading

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The Genius: How Bill Walsh Reinvented Football and Created an NFL Dynasty

David Harris has zero flair as a writer but his new book is a solid collection of information. (Then it sneaks up on you and will leave you in tears.) From 1985-1987, I covered Bill Walsh and the San Francisco … Continue reading

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