Category Archives: Personal

I Am A Jewish Chauvinist

My natural inclination is to think that Jews and all things Jewish are the best and that at all times and in all places they are superior to their non-Jewish alternatives. I converted to Orthodox Judaism. I changed my whole … Continue reading

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* Friend: “So how much credit card debt do you have today?” Luke: “I think I have it under $40k.” Friend: “Where’s your spreadsheet showing exactly how much you owe today and what your projected payments are and when exactly … Continue reading

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Some people aren’t very spiritual

I was telling a friend about all the wonderful things God was doing in my life and he said, “Can you get sex with desirable women?”

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Last night, the Episcopal priest told me that the most spiritual person she knew was a gay trans rabbi

* Is there a name for what whites and asians feel when they drive into downtown LA? I had that crippling anxiety last night. I was briefly in Jew heaven when I found free parking a block away from the … Continue reading

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The Life Cycle Of The Blogger

Bloggers start out with exuberance. The hits come in, and the attention and the emails, and the growing circle of acquaintances. At first you get many detractors, but if your work blazes new ground, if you make a contribution, you … Continue reading

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