Category Archives: Personal

Rodger Jacobs, RIP

The coroner’s report shows that Rodger drank himself to death on July 5, 2016. He was 57. I never met Rodger Jacobs in person but he was in my life for a decade (from 1998 to 2005, he was in … Continue reading

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Friend: ‘What’s going on with you Saturday nights. Your output has shrunk considerably. Are you cheating on us?’

I want to drift off into sleep. Getting too energized posting is not good for my sleep. Only when I have strong compulsions do I post a bunch Saturday night. When it is hot Saturday night, I feel sleepy and … Continue reading

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How Not to Name Your Child

My parents had no idea I would convert to Orthodox Judaism when they named me “Luke Carey Ford.” They feared the other kids at school would call me “Elsie” (LC), but that never happened. I think Luke Ford is an … Continue reading

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Marry Me

* I fear retweeting is damaging my brand. I should be more original my friends say. * Why are all and I do mean ALL of the Trump women so hot and the average Democrat woman so un-hot? * Why … Continue reading

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Finding A Wife

Friend: What are you doing to attract a wife? Luke: Hagbah Tweeting Friend: No women present I hope u have followers on Twitter, not many in fb. Maybe if you stopped wasting your time on Shtuyot, and went to social … Continue reading

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