Category Archives: Personal

Avinu Malkeinu

I had a dream this morning that I was wandering around a dark building in the very early morning when I met a goy who said, “There’s somebody outside with a gun who’s trying to kill us. We need to … Continue reading

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Stay In Your Lane!

A friend of mine was working the Sixth Step and her sponsor told her to abide by the speed limit and to stay in her lane. I think that’s awesome advice. I would modify it to say abide by the … Continue reading

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I notice that some people, some friends even, exhaust me. We can exchange but a few words on a text or via Messenger, and I feel depleted and annoyed. So why is that? One reason is that they ask too … Continue reading

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Messages From God

Sometimes I like to take the attitude that everything that happens to me is a message from God. When I hit a red light, I ask myself what is God telling me. Where do I need a red light in … Continue reading

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The True Meaning Of Daylight Saving Time

Lewis Fein posts: “I turned the clock back to when Luke Ford wasn’t Jewish.”

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