Category Archives: Personal

I Am My Show

I’m realizing that my Youtube show (preparation, delivery and aftermath) is about 50% of my life, and deleting a show is like deleting a part of myself. When the shows goes badly, I feel bad. When the show goes well, … Continue reading

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Be Not Afraid

Be not afraid is my motto. There’s no idea or book or fact or theory I am not willing to confront and analyze (though some I don’t think are productive uses of my time). I have no sacred cows. To … Continue reading

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Anything I Say Can Be Misused

I know a lot of paranoid people and it is exhausting trying to calm them. Those who seek frequent reassurance wear me down and I distance myself. I realize there is nothing I say or do that can’t be misinterpreted … Continue reading

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Everybody Knows Everything

I try to live my life as if everyone knows everything. I used to try to get away with as much as possible. Now I try to live my life as if every Orthodox Jew in the world knew everything … Continue reading

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Zoom Sucks

A few months ago, I paid $120 for a year of Zoom. When the app stopped working with my Streamlabs OBS, I sent in a customer service request. It took almost five weeks for anyone to get back to me. … Continue reading

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