Category Archives: Hollywood

The Wackness Is Dope

Video I catch this advanced screening Wednesday night. It gives me insights into goyim and black people in New York in 1994. Kurt Cobain has just died. Rudolph Giuliani is cleaning up the city. The protagonist is named Luke Shapiro. … Continue reading

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Lust Caution Is A Masterpiece

It’s from the director of Brokeback Mountain. It’s a similarly slow film that sneaks up on you. Lust Caution is gorgeous. Women will ooh and ahh over the fashion while men will ooh and ahh over the female lead (Wei … Continue reading

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New Indiana Jones Flick Blows

ChaimAmalek:  Now, don’t bother seeing that new Indiana Jones movie.  It blows ChaimAmalek:  Nearly put me to sleep. palestine4ever:  does it palestine4ever:  Is it on a Star Trek IV level of suck? ChaimAmalek:  Sad reminder that old men (like me) … Continue reading

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I Asked A Friend If She Wanted To Borrow My Hitler Movie

She replied, "Are you trying to seduce me?" Those Herman Goerring impressions get ’em every time. There’s something particularly satisfying about World War II movies. It’s good vs. evil, with the bad guys wearing the cool uniforms.

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The Best Movies

The best guide to movies is the rating. Check out their top 250. I looked over the top 100 Sunday and rented The Lives of Others and Downfall. Both are superb German films. A Londoner writes about Lives: The … Continue reading

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