Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Corruption In Jewish Law Courts

A.B. writes: I think that it is unanimously agreed that the state of Botei Din in the US is pathetic. Going to the Brooklyn Courts one comes across minyan after minyan of not only ultra Orthodox but even Chassidic Jews … Continue reading

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How Many Plooks Before You’re Out?

I know this rabbi who was caught with child pornography on his computer and he lost his job. And whenever we’re together, he gives me divrei Torah. In fact, every rabbi I know who has been convicted of a sex … Continue reading

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What’s The Big Difference Between LA And NY Orthodox Shuls?

There are hardly any single women in Los Angeles Orthodox shuls while New York shuls are filled with them. The Upper West Side of Manhattan has the biggest Orthodox singles scene in North America. Los Angeles? Not so much. In … Continue reading

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What’s The Moral Upshot Of Orthodox Judaism?

I’ve been asking Orthodox rabbis if simply knowing that someone was Orthodox told you anything about their ethics. The rabbis say no. What if you knew the person davened three times a day? Does that say anything about their ethics? … Continue reading

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Sex and the Sages

I have a girl who took this course. It’s really paid off for us. She often pauses and says, “Rabbi Lookstein teaches…” Or, “I wonder what Rabbi Lookstein would say about this?” Or, “I remember in Rabbi Lookstein’s class, I … Continue reading

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