Category Archives: Orthodoxy

You Shouldn’t Read Blogs

From a Torah perspective, blogs just don’t seem kosher. I have an instinctive reaction against women as Orthodox rabbis. It just doesn’t seem right. Similarly, blogs that talk about other people, it just doesn’t seem right. That’s what the goyim … Continue reading

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A Heartbreaking Story From L.A.’s Chabad Community

From today’s Los Angeles Times, Maria L. La Ganga writes: Abbie Dorn lies in a hospital bed in her parents’ home on the South Carolina coast. A halo of dark curls frames her pale face. The pump for her feeding … Continue reading

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Orthodox Bludgers

Elliot Resnick writes an important Op/Ed in this week’s Jewish Press: Acquaintances of mine have told me point-blank – without a trace of embarrassment in their voices – that they live in Section 8 housing and buy groceries with food … Continue reading

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Chosen For A Mission

I talked to this bloke in Israel today. He was raised secular and then became chareidi (ultra-Orthodox Jew) for about 25 years (from approximately 1973 to 1998) and then became a nowhere man, neither secular nor religious. His story reminds … Continue reading

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The Orthodox Rabbis Of Los Angeles

Andy* emails me: Dear Luke: I have sent to you a thank you note over the years but I never told you why. I went through hell in LA when the rabbis there mainly of chabad but also agudah and … Continue reading

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