Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Judaism & Yoga

Alon emails: Hi Luke, Via google, I came across a piece you wrote last year comparing Kundalini Yoga to Orthodox Judaism. As an orthodox Jew who is considering yoga as a means toward greater spirituality, I was curious to know … Continue reading

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Seen and Heard At A Shabbos Table

* The Orthodox couple are in their thirties. They’re having guests who are new to Orthodox Judaism. The host wife keeps using the word “shvartze” and then apologizing for it. Her rabbi says Jews shouldn’t use that word. The husband … Continue reading

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Stuff Single Orthodox Girls Like

From FrumSatire: Working as a Madricha at a seminary, as a Limudei Kodesh teacher , or at any job where it

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Spirituality In Orthodox Judaism

Joe emails: The basic problem is that there is no way for spirituality to keep up with technology. Technology is anti-spiritual in a real way. Yes, it is pretty cool that you can go to a site on your iphone … Continue reading

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Rabbi Gershon Bess Forbids Consumption Of Most Fish

I wonder if the RCC will force all their restaurants to stop selling fish? An Orthodox rabbi tells me about Rabbi Bess and the RCC: “These people don’t know what they are talking about when they prohibit these things. The … Continue reading

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