Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Anorexia And The Dating Culture

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach writes: Being overweight is not healthy. But women who focus only on their bodies to the exclusion of their souls are equally unhealthy. And men who have practiced Judaism their entire lives but are blind to a … Continue reading

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Out Of The Shadows

I was a little embarrassed this afternoon to be checking out this book from a librarian I know in the Jewish community while frum Jews were all around me!

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The Pain Of Jewish Holidays

I find Sabbaths and holidays painful. They remind me of what’s missing from my life — connection. During the week, I can distract myself with many endeavors so that I never have to look in the mirror and see my … Continue reading

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Eating Disorders Among Orthodox Jews

The New York Times reports: In the large and growing Orthodox Jewish communities around New York and elsewhere, rabbinic leaders are sounding an alarm about an unexpected problem: a wave of anorexia and other eating disorders among teenage girls. While … Continue reading

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Educating Converts To Orthodox Judaism

Rabbi Gil Student writes: They have to understand that a community that strives for closeness and closed-ness, a tight-knit society that builds a wall to the secular world (of varying heights, depending on each community), will present obstacles to joining. … Continue reading

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