Category Archives: Orthodoxy

My Anguish Over Hot Orthodox Married Women Dressing Provocatively

I got this tip from Heshy Fried about a letters column in the Jewish Press: Dear Rachel, I am writing this out of my soul-piercing anguish at the epidemic of married “frum” women who dress provocatively. They shamelessly dare to … Continue reading

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The Synagogue In America: A Short History by Marc Lee Raphael

This is a superb new book. I just picked it up at the library and I can’t put it down. It has lots of stories about Los Angeles in general and Pico-Robertson in particular. On page 95, professor Raphael writes: … Continue reading

Posted in Blacks, Conservative Judaism, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, Pico/Robertson, Reform Judaism, Synagogue | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on The Synagogue In America: A Short History by Marc Lee Raphael

Orthodox Judaism Is A Hardball Religion

In the Torah, Moshe and company put to death an Israelite for gathering sticks on the Sabbath. Orthodox Judaism plays hardball. This surprises many outsiders who have a picture of religion as primarily a spiritual loving community. Orthodox Judaism has … Continue reading

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This Story’s For Me

Yehuda emails: Luke, This story is for you. 1. It is about something in California. 2. The girl is a blonde. 3. It’s about male members. 4. It involves an Orthodox shul. 5. Someone gets kicked out of said Orthodox … Continue reading

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The Greening Of American Orthodox Judaism: Yavneh in the 1960s by Benny Kraut

I first heard about this new book in an exciting review by Lawrence Grossman: Orthodoxy is the only form of Judaism that is exuding self-confidence, that holds its own demographically, and whose children, for the most part, are steeped in … Continue reading

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