Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Rabbi Antony Gordon In Federal Court

This looks like it has led to Antony Gordon’s Chapter Seven bankruptcy, which is a straight liquidation. This (2:13-ap-01536-DS 1568931 Ontario Ltd., an Ontario (Canada Corporati v. Gordon et al) looks like a Rabbi Chanan (Antony) Gordon bankruptcy (an attorney, … Continue reading

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Is Judaism The Reason Jews Are Creative?

In his second lecture on the history of Orthodox Jews in Los Angeles, Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn says: “Los Angeles is being shaped by people running from orthodoxy, fighting over their orthodoxy, hiding their orthodoxy, being creative because of their Judaism, … Continue reading

Posted in Jews, Los Angeles, Orthodoxy, Whites | Comments Off on Is Judaism The Reason Jews Are Creative?

Oy Vey and Kaboom – The Wild West

I’m loving Rabbi Einhorn’s 14-part lecture series on the history of Orthodox Jews in Los Angeles. What is his point of view? He says early on in lecture one: “In Los Angeles, it was a collaboration of multiple people, different … Continue reading

Posted in Agudath Israel, Blacks, Los Angeles, Orthodox Union, Orthodoxy, R. Shlomo Einhorn, Race | Comments Off on Oy Vey and Kaboom – The Wild West

The Japanese Connection To White Nationalism

Two of America’s leading white nationalists — Jared Taylor and William Daniel Johnson — are fluent in Japanese, have lived in Japan, and do business with the Japanese. Other white people I know who are conversant in Japanese are also … Continue reading

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Kosher Meets Hipster?

Anna Goren writes a stupid article for The Atlantic: American Millennials follow Jewish dietary laws at nearly twice the rate of Baby Boomers, perhaps finding the ancient laws fit well with contemporary concerns about sustainability… Younger Jews keep kosher at … Continue reading

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