Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Thoughts On Converts From An FFB (Frum From Birth)

An Orthodox Jew from birth tells me: Observation. Do you feel converts have high self esteem or are outspoken? Surely, not too shy. There are definitely a lot of common character traits or similar issues with converts. Like, coming from … Continue reading

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No Regrets

I’ve had no regret about converting to Orthodox Judaism, even as I have grown to understand the depth of my brokenness that led to the drama I created (in myself and around me) as I undertook all sorts of contradictory … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews For Trump

REPORT: Donald Trump is not only the Republican frontrunner by a large margin, but his dominance and unscripted talk has also earned him some fans in the Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods in Brooklyn. A recent Siena poll showed that Jewish voters … Continue reading

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Jewish Support For The Iran Deal

Pini Herman writes on FB: You may not see most of these people at the LA Jewish Federation….Could it be that they know its not the “big tent” it claims to be. The LA Federation machers even sidestepped it’s own … Continue reading

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Torah Scholars Tend To Be Frail

One does not usually associate ruddy health with the most religious Jews. Adam Kirsch writes: Yet Talmud scholars, the chapter also teaches, did not often get a chance to indulge in such dainties. Whether because they were too poor, too … Continue reading

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