Thoughts On Converts From An FFB (Frum From Birth)

An Orthodox Jew from birth tells me:

Observation. Do you feel converts have high self esteem or are outspoken? Surely, not too shy.

There are definitely a lot of common character traits or similar issues with converts. Like, coming from an unstable or broken home.

If you had the proper attention from a compatible female, perhaps you wouldn’t need that attention. Everybody needs love/attention.

Conversion is a great trick in Judaism. You can show that you’re not racist, anyone can join, but practically, very difficult.

If you just went with the flow, and went transgender, I’m sure you could hook up with a Rabbanit.

Only a masochist would do it.
Only troubled souls
Or those in love.

You should start a support group for would be converts, and derail them to a twelve step program, which is really what they need. The RCC might pay you. They would have to graduate/pass your program, to be able to start the conversion process. You could write a book on the psyche of a convert. It could be a must read for would be converts.

You could be the Anti-Christ/Anti-Convert. You could start your sessions with Daf Yomi.

Miriam: Tell that to this family, they don’t come from a broken home. Btw, while everyone sees this as an adorable “feel good” story, I see it as a sad one where none of them are spiritually related anymore. Technically, the parents are not really the parents or vice versa. And I am against adults converting their children, as it should be the child’s choice when they’re more mentally mature. But whatever, feel good story of the year.

Smemaya and Avtalyon certainly were. They were teachers and once even made the kohen gadol jealous from all the followers they had. That’s when people had respect and love inside. Today, however, any opinion is soon encountered by a “and who gives you the authority to say that”. (Translation: silence go sit at the back of the shul).

What is the most difficult race, religion, ethnicity or other situation, to be accepted by other frum Jews, AFTER converting? Blacks. Jews have an easier time with ex-Muslims. Jews can’t help staring at blacks in shul or blacks with kipot. It’s just not a black religion. Blacks are the opposite of Jews.

How often do converts convert twice? Like they realize, the religion they chose is a farce, and they then choose another religion. Conversion is for lost souls. Many who convert to Judaism are turned off after a while. You would think they would continue to search for the “truth.”

Or does the grueling conversion process just tire them out and take all the wind out of their sails?

Do you think there is a parallel between Hollywood and conversion? So many people want to be famous actors, but the best they can attain is an Extras role. When you are converting you want to become a typical Orthodox Jew, but there’s so much stigma attached to being a convert, that even when you’re in, you are never fully accepted, and you will never be that person.

Are you told before a conversion, that you will never be fully accepted, that others will judge you and look down on you? No. I think they should. Basically, a second rate citizen.

Luke: If a convert to Judaism keeps uppermost in his mind at all times — how can I contribute to the Jewish community? — he won’t complain and he’ll be happy.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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