Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Jerry Friedman Remains At Shalhevet

His dispute with the board continues. I guess Jerry was just bluffing when he walked away from the school last week. I’m not sure how long he will last at Shalhevet if he does not get his way. Friedman has … Continue reading

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Blessed Be The True Judge

A friend writes: My father died on 14th of shvat, after a year of declining health (renal failure–he’d been on dialysis for a little over a year). Never a great time, but it was definitely his time.Sorry about the freakout. … Continue reading

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Shalhevet Ousts Founder Jerry Friedman?

Friedman led the school for years and contributed much of its funding. There was a contentious board meeting last week at Shalhevet, the most left-wing of L.A.’s Orthodox day schools. The upshot? Friedman walked away from the school. He’s been … Continue reading

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A Final Word On Bugs

A Modern Orthodox rabbi writes: Before Purim I described specific procedures for inspecting leaf vegetables and floreted vegetables. The other items that, based on their infestation levels, require inspection, are strawberries, raspberries, asparagus, and celery. The common-sense methods are described … Continue reading

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Un-Orthodox Jew Goes After Rabbi Shalom Tendler

Un-Orthodox Jew blogs March 5:

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