Category Archives: Orthodoxy

When Technology & Torah Collide

From the New York Times (which consistently publishes the best journalism on Orthodox Judaism): The rabbis, scientists and engineers of the Zomet Institute are trying to solve the problems that arise when technology and the Torah collide. Working from their … Continue reading

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A Woman Leads Kiddish At Bnai David

Reb Mimi Feigelson, who some say was the first woman ordained an Orthodox rabbi (99% of Orthodox Jews would not recognize any woman as a rabbi), led the shul kiddish one Shabbos morning three weeks back. Leading the kiddish has … Continue reading

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Because it is closer-knit and more insular, the sense of shame increases in Judaism as you become more religious. In Orthodox Judaism, it is rare to have close friendships with Jews who aren’t Orthodox, let alone non-Jews. I remember when … Continue reading

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Women Wearing Pants

I prefer life when men act like men and women like women (and wear skirts). Religious Jewish women wear skirts and those who wear pants are not being religious in that respect. Hirhurim writes: R. Shmuel Katz, Kedoshim Tihyu, ch. … Continue reading

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Rabbi Chaim Druckman Interview

Elliot Resnick writes for The Jewish Press:     Much uncertainty remains in the wake of Israel’s High Rabbinical Court ruling in May that voided all conversions performed by Rabbi Chaim Druckman since 1999. Sephardic Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar promises … Continue reading

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