Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Conservatives Shouldn’t Try To Appeal To Minorities

I wonder how much these same arguments apply to synagogues reaching out to gays? There’s not a hint in this JTA story that same-sex sex might be completely against Judaism and appealing to its practicioners is appealing sentiments contrary to … Continue reading

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The Thing I Love Best About Orthodox Judaism Is How Its Makes You Feel

If you are a normal human being who adopts Orthodox Judaism, you’ll soon feel better about yourself. Practice Orthodox Judaism and you’ll walk around with a swagger. You’ll know who you are. You’ll never proclaim you’re a proud Jew. You’ll … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Judaism, Orthodoxy, Personal, Reform Judaism | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on The Thing I Love Best About Orthodox Judaism Is How Its Makes You Feel

Searching For The Big O

This sounds a lot like morning services at my yoga center: At 7 a.m. each day, as the rest of America is eating Cheerios or trying to face gridlock without hyperventilating, about a dozen women, naked from the waist down, … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Orthodoxy, Rabbis, San Francisco, Sex | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Searching For The Big O

Divorce Protest In Los Angeles

Rebecca Spence writes for the Forward: Los Angeles — On the day known as Ta’anit Esther — when observant Jews fast before Purim — more than 150 members of Los Angeles’s close-knit Orthodox community gathered for a protest rally outside … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Jacob, Divorce, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, R. Steven Weil, R. Yosef Kanefsky | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Divorce Protest In Los Angeles

Union for Traditional Judaism Holds Conference On Child Abuse

Here’s the press release: Reports are on the rise concerning incest and child abuse in yeshivas and days schools. Many deny it’s a problem. We strongly disagree. The Union for Traditional Judaism (UTJ) is hosting a special “awareness” program featuring … Continue reading

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